Redeemer Ann Arbor is a church that exists for the increasing and spreading of God’s glory and our ultimate joy in Him.
We feel that we are called to plant a church in Ann Arbor that is a gospel-centered, authentic community that leads people to glorify and enjoy God. We are thankful for the other churches and ministries in the area and we hope to partner with them in fulfilling Christ’s mission. We are excited about the global reach of the mission of God through Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan students graduating and going abroad.
• Our Core Principles •
Focused Mission
We are committed to glorifying and enjoying God by sharing the glory of our God with the community God has placed us in in Ann Arbor. Jesus Christ came “to seek and to save the lost.” We join our Savior in his mission as we give special focus to spreading his loving Gospel to the lost, lonely, and hurting around us. We do this by calling others to the redeeming grace of our God and by loving all as his followers in Jesus’ name.
Vibrant Worship
We are committed to glorifying and enjoying God throughour worship together. We gather as a community to hear him speak to us through his preached Word and to respond to him in our praise, confession, lament, and hope in his promises.
Sharing the Mercy of Christ
We are committed to glorifying and enjoying God by sharing the mercy of Christ with the needs of our community. True Spiritual life is evidenced in an outward face of love and care for others. We long for the Holy Spirit to work through us as we seek creative ways to serve those around us.
Clear Proclamation
We are committed to glorifying and enjoying God by upholding a clear proclamation of the Word of God. God has spoken in the Bible; here we understand who He is, who we are, how to interpret our world and how to live in it. God’s timeless Word makes sense and is relevant for us today. So we don’t stop looking for answers and insights and guidance from the Scriptures every time we gather together.
Gospel Cooperation
We are committed to glorifying and enjoying God by maintaining a unifying gospel cooperation with other churches and para-church ministries in our community. Jesus tells us that one sows and another reaps (John 4:37), but that we all (sower and reaper) will rejoice together. We are under no illusion that we are the only true church in Ann Arbor. Jesus Christ is using broken people (like us) to build His church so that He ultimately gets the glory, not us. We gladly embrace and work with others who are preaching the gospel of Christ.
Authentic Community
We are committed to glorifying and enjoying God by practicing authentic love. Jesus said that the world will recognize His disciples by the love they have and practice for each other. We are here to love each other and all those whom God brings into our lives. As a church, we are striving to reflect the mosaic of various cultures and ethnicities that Jesus is weaving together for his glory; we believe true Christianity brings people from different backgrounds together in a common love for Jesus. In this love, we are striving for a diverse community united around Jesus Christ. We emphasize loving people, reaching out to people, being real with people. We will begin with those in the church, but this extends to those who are in the world as well.
• Our Partner Churches •

First Presbyterian Church of Trenton
First Presbyterian Church in Trenton, Michigan is the primary sending church for Redeemer Ann Arbor. Affiliated with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and the Acts 29 network, First Presbyterian is active in church planting. Currently, they have two church planting residents and have built a network of confessional church planters in Southeastern Michigan. Jim is an Advanced Church Planting resident at First Presbyterian.

Redeemer Presbyterian Church
Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Ada, Michigan is affiliated with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Redeemer was founded with a focus on mission. Redeemer has led multiple mission trips to Haiti and Eastern Europe, and the church has actively supported many mission works around the world. Eric Hausler, the founding pastor of Redeemer, was sent out two years ago to plant a church in Naples, FL with the OPC. Jim was a pastor at Redeemer from 2008 to 2015.

Five Points Community Church
Five Points Community Church in Auburn Hills, MI exists to glorify God through the Spirit by pursuing joy in Christ alone that their neighbors and the nations might worship him now and forever. Five Points seeks to work with other churches for the advance of the gospel in SE Michigan through strategic church planting partnerships and The Gospel Coalition network. They also aim to see the gospel advance to the ends of the earth by sending missionaries to China, Chad, Central Asia, Ukraine, and more. Five Points joyfully partners with us in supporting and encouraging the mission going forward in Ann Arbor.

Bethesda Baptist Church
Bethesda Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church in Allen Park, Michigan. Bethesda's intent is to reflect God's glory and delight in Him, seeking to do this by extolling the name of Jesus, equipping His people for service to others, and proclaiming to all His saving grace. In addition to foreign missions, Bethesda supports several church plants in Michigan, including Restore Church in Detroit, Resurrection Church in Lincoln Park, Redeemer Community Church in Dearborn, and Clam River Chapel in Falmouth.