Redeemer Ann Arbor – Where Are We?
Now that we are 10 months into the process of church planting Redeemer Ann Arbor: Where are we? Where are we headed?
God has been so good.
We started with 4 people in August 2015, though we had expected to start with more. But God had laid out our path. We began meeting in a home in Salem Township, just outside Ann Arbor, to pray, share together and study the Scriptures. Jim began a Bible study on the UM campus shortly after that. Step by step, God has gathered a few of us together to form Redeemer Ann Arbor. Also, we are thankful that throughout the beginning stages of church planting, we have had a number of opportunities to engage with people in Ann Arbor.
God was so kind to us! He provided a perfect place for us to meet, and on April 10, we began evening worship services at 5 pm at the Lord of Light Lutheran Church on the edge of the UM campus. We have had an average of 20-30 people in attendance at these services.
This summer for 10 weeks on Thursday mornings we will host Summer Mornings Together – Women with Women Around the Bible. In the fall, Jim will resume the campus Bible Studies.
This summer we look forward to Matt and Tiffany Price joining us after a two year internship at Grace Church in Manchester, England. Matt will focus on outreach, especially to the international community in Ann Arbor.
We are eager to add a morning worship service, but we wait on God to make it clear when we should do this.
We invite you to pray for us and to join us as we seek to reach and to influence Ann Arbor for Jesus Christ.